mandag 28. april 2008
Small details...
Mystery 2
Mysterieprosjektet er godt i gang, her er mine blokker til del 2. Del 3 ble nettopp lagt ut, så det er vel bare å fortsette mens man er godt i gang! Ellers har jeg sydd sammen de rosa og sorte blokkene jeg jobbet med - bilde av denne pluss Japan-veska jeg også har startet på kommer senere.
Jeg er ikke godvenn med denne pc'en!
I feel like I have been doing a lot of sewing lately, but it really has been a little of this and a little of that. We are starting a new parttime study at the college in multiple project management - maybe I should attend?
The Mystery project is well on its way, here are my blocks for part 2. The description for part 3 was just posted, and I guess it is a smart move to continue while I am at it. I have also been putting together the pink and black blocks I worked on earlier, will post a picture of that and the Japanese handbag I am also working at later.
This laptop and I are NOT best friends!
onsdag 23. april 2008
søndag 20. april 2008
Marits veske
This is my oldest daughter :-) She was visiting this weekend, curious to see what her mother's new house looks like. I think she approved... Her sewing skills are absolutely great, and all her projects are just wonderful to look at. She wanted to make herself a small purse, so we set up a sewing studio in the livingroom.
Her er resultatet hennes! Vakkert utført i japansk stoff.
This is what she made. Beautifully made in Japanese fabric.
søndag 13. april 2008
Mystery a, b and c...
Wenche hadde nettopp begynt på en Mystery Quilt (Orange Crush Mystery), og jeg kom på at det kunne kanskje være en ide å begynne på. Del 1 gikk ut på å sy 150 four-patch i mørke og lyse farger. Mine ble sorte og rosa. Skal bli spennende å se fortsettelsen!
Mystery A: Our guild had an "inspiration-weekend" yesterday and today. It was good to start sewing again after a couple of months without needle and thread. And it was great to spend time together with my sewing friends! No set theme, but just working on our own projects. My problem was that I did not know what to do...
Wenche had just started on the Orange Crush Mystery quilt, an I thought that might
be fun to try. In part 1 we were to make 150 fourpatches in light and dark colours. Mine are black and pink. It will be fun to continue!
Mystery B: Hva skal dette bli? Jeg er ikke sikker selv - båten blir til mens man ror, heter det. Tror det ender opp på stuebordet! Som vanlig er jeg i svart og rosa/lilla humør :-)
Mystery B: What is this going to be? I am not sure myself - but I think it will end up on my dining table. I am as usual in a black and pink/purple mood :-)
Mystery C: Jeg har fremdeles ikke funnet batteri-laderen til kameraet mitt. Hvor det er blitt av er et stort mysterium! Jeg har rasjonalisert fotograferingen i påvente av at den skulle dukke opp, noe som har vært trasig. Men nå har jeg gitt opp og bestilt en ny. Den gamle dukker vel opp når den nye kommer!
Mystery C: I have not been able to find the battery charger for my camera. Where it has gone is a great mystery! I have rationalised taking pictures while waiting for it to turn up, rather stupid really! But now I have ordered a new one. The old one will probably show up when I get it!
Bildet under er ikke et mysterium - bare en sovende pelsdott!
The picture below shows no mystery - just a sleeping furball...
onsdag 9. april 2008
Back in business...
Look! I have started to use my studio!!! Yesterday I made curtains for the livingroom, and the studio worked out just great :-) The foot is still swollen and sore, but
I discovered that it is possible to use the left foot on the pedal as well. As most of the house project now is done, I can start looking forward to working on my C&G study again. I can't wait to get started.